Complex Orthodontic Cases


There are many types of complex orthodontic cases. One of the most complex cases is Cleft Lip and Palate.

A patient has no control over most of these issues as most people are born with these types of dental problems.

Learn more about Cleft Lip and Palate. 

As we get older, we will get cavities, gum diseases, darker and chipped teeth, more crowding, TMJ, and so on.

But we always want to have a straight and shiny smile especially if we are in front of the camera sharing our pictures with others. 

Complex Orthodontic case

Where do you start the treatment in this case? Implants or braces? How wide is the missing tooth? Any extractions?  

Do You Have A Complex Orthodontic Case Like The Picture Above?

Do you see the general dentist first or the orthodontist? Do you fix the root canal first, or do you need to extract that tooth later during braces

At iSmile Specialists, we will do this for your complex cases. We will establish a treatment plan with options so you can afford the best outcome for your oral health.

Save yourself the frustration of spending the money on a tooth and then discovering that this tooth needs to be removed later “this is something common among complex cases that we see at our office”

How Does It Work and Where Do We Start?

On the day of your FREE consultation, we will take x-rays, pictures, and a 3d-digital scan of your teeth and bite.  

From these records, we will establish two treatment options for you to achieve an excellent result in the most affordable way.

Once you have picked which option you want, we will produce a blueprint of your future teeth or what is called “wax-up”.

 Have you been to the Madame Tussauds wax museum? The sculpture is the image of real people from wax and we will do the same concept by carving your future teeth and smile as wax 

Why I Need A Wax-Up?

The wax-up is a dental GPS that will help us in three ways: 
1. Give you an idea of how your future teeth will look so you will feel comfortable proceeding with the treatment. This also allows you to make any changes if you are completely satisfied with the possible outcome.

2. Provide Dr. Samo and Dr. Kanaan the green light that their treatment option is feasible and doable, and 
3. Provide Dr. Kanaan with the exact position on where to place the teeth at the end of the orthodontic treatment and provide Dr. Samo with a template to make the final teeth when ready.   

I Want To Fix My Teeth To Get A Nice Smile, But I Do NOT Want To Do Braces Or Invisalign? 

Always patients ask us the same question and my answer is “can you build a house on a bad foundation? “ 

Here is a patient that got his veneers on the front teeth and they kept breaking because of the bad bite 

I Have My Own Dentist And I Would Like To Continue The Work With Him, Is It Possible?

Absolutely YES.  However, this will require you to make several appointments with your dentist while being treated at our office.

The advantage of doing your complete work here at iSmile Specialists is that Dr. Kanaan and Dr. Samo will coordinate your needs at the same time and same place.

This will save you time and effort and any adjustments could be done immediately in the office without the need to leave our office and drive to your dentist for your other work.

Case of the month of August 2018. The patient got his bite corrected with braces and his smile corrected with two crowns.

Case of the month Jan 2019: missing teeth, fused teeth, crowding, and midline problem.

Complex orthodontic case 2
Planning teeth width is essential to a successful outcome