Overbite correction

Overbite Correction | Overbite Braces Treatment

If your teeth are sticking out like this, then you need help.

The AAO defines the overbite as Medically Necessary Orthodontic Care if the Overbite is greater than 8mm “reference”


Table of Contents


Case of the Month for severe correction  June 2013

overbite correction
This girl started treatment at the right age and her overbite was corrected without extraction. Dr. Kanaan 2013

What Is An Overbite?

An overbite is a common dental problem where the top teeth are positioned more forward relative to the bottom jaw and teeth, thus giving the upper front teeth the appearance of “bucked teeth”.

Untreated overbites can lead to more serious dental complications such as jaw pain caused by a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).  

Several factors contribute to overbite including hereditary, thumb sucking, trauma to the chin, the early loss of lower baby teeth, etc... 

What Causes An Overbite?

There are several reasons why you might have an overbite

1.       Genetics: Studies have shown a strong genetic influence on upper and lower jaw growth making overbite a problem that runs in families. If you have an overbite it could be because of one or even both of your parents. 

2.       Bad habits:  Bad habits such as thumb sucking, lower lip biting, and prolonged use of a pacifier are bad habits that restrain the growth of the lower jaw causing your overbite to get worse. The earlier that habit is eliminated, the better chance the overbite might be self-corrected.

3.       Trauma: Falling on your chin from a bicycle or while playing can cause trauma to the growing jaw. The jaw might stop growing for a while based on the severity of the trauma

4.       Tooth count discrepancy: Overbite might happen if you have extra teeth on the upper jaw or missing teeth on the lower jaw. The extra tooth must be extracted and the missing tooth must be replaced in order to correct the overbite.

5.       Pathological: This is a rare situation where your body will absorb the lower jaw. It will happen slowly, and it is related to your physical health which needs the attention of your medical doctor.

6.     Gum disease: This happens for older patients when the upper teeth lose the bony support causing teeth to go more forward.

Types Of Overbite

Patients can show signs of both types of overbites and they can cause a dental overbite and skeletal overbite dental overbites are caused directly by the teeth.

A skeletal overbite is caused by the jaw.  

What Is The Best Age To Treat My Overbite?

When children are still developing is generally the best time for treatment. Especially around the time of a growth spurt.

This age for girls is between 10-12 years old girls and 11-13 years old for boys.

At these ages dental issues become apparent, the upper and lower teeth and jaws are actively growing and the orthodontist might be able to modify the growth pattern to correct it.

How To Fix An Overbite?

The severity of an overbite will determine the length and type of treatment plan. A more serious overbite also known as a deep bite can require orthognathic surgery to correct. 

It is possible to avoid overbite surgery with the help of an experienced orthodontist that specializes in more complex cases.

Consulting with Dr. Kanaan will be the surest way to determine your exact treatment options. 

The type of treatment also depends on the age of the patient.

Growth modification devices can help better position the jaw (used in children still in developing stages). 

In children, the removal of baby teeth will make room for the teeth to grow.

Braces in children will help to slowly move the teeth into position to correct the overbite and will also help the jaw align to correct the overbite.

Braces in adults will only move the teeth to correct the overbite and will possibly require the removal of teeth. 

Overbite correction in teen


 if the patient is in early childhood, the treatment objective is to bring the lower jaw forward with braces /Invisalign combined with headgear/rubber bands / bite correcter, etc... NO extraction is needed
Non growing


 If the patient is an adult with a severe overbite, then extracting two upper teeth might be needed for optimum outcome


Treating overbite requires a careful study of your record to determine the best treatment plan. In most cases, the treatment will consist of two parts, one to treat your teeth and the other one to correct your overbite.

This includes rubber bands, Headgear, and a Bite corrector.

My Dentist Told Me That I Have To Have Surgery To Correct My Overbite, Is This True?

Again, many factors must be considered in determining the need for surgery.

The most important ones are the extent of the overbite and how much facial improvement is patient looking at. Here is a case that we fixed without Surgery. 

However, if the patient is having breathing problems with "sleep apnea" as a result of the small lower jaw, then surgery might be recommended.

Dr. Kanaan will coordinate with your sleep specialists on what is best for you. 


Can Invisalign Correct An Overbite?

YES, and I fixed the overbite of my brother who is 38 with Invisalign. Invisalign now offers two options to do this: 
1.    Use rubber bands with Invisalign as with traditional braces, or 
2.    Use the jaw advancement jigs built into the Invisalign trays.  

Call us today for a FREE consultation and X-rays "including 3D Xray if needed"  with Dr. Kanaan at 281-249-9999

What Appliances Can Fix The Overbite?

Rubber bands to correct the overbite



Rubber bands: This is the simplest and cheapest way to correct the overbite.

The bands will deliver a force system to move the upper jaw backward and the lower teeth forward.

You need to wear the bands at least 16 hours a day 

Correct overbite with twin force


 Twin Force: If you are not a compliant patient and do not wear the bands enough, then we can place a fixed appliance that has a spring inside which will deliver a similar force system to the rubber bands 
Headgear for overbite correction



Head Gear: If your upper teeth are way pushed out and we want to bring them backward, then headgear will be the best choice.

You need to wear it for at least 12 hours a day. 

dental mini implants Mini implants TADs: If you do not want to wear the headgear, we can extract 2 upper teeth “ usually the first premolars” and bring your front teeth back with mini-implant support.
overbite correction without surgery
This patient came with an extreme overbite " over 14 mm" and was corrected without surgery. We extracted only two teeth on the top and closed all gaps. Dr. Kanaan 2010.

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